Friday, March 7, 2014

Missing - the District's Best Interest

The March 6th Board of Education meeting was another spectacle of "callous disregard for students1" by board members Ken Witt, John Newkirk and Julie Williams.

While all the attention was focused on their egotistical posturing, people may have missed that an important person was missing from the room. The school district's legal counsel, from Caplan & Ernest was not at the table. Caplan & Ernst has a contract to protect the legal interest of the school district.

Brad Miller, the board's attorney who was hired in a back-room deal, was there using the public address system to inform the audience of the board's whereabouts! They were 20 minutes late to their own meeting, but the district had no legal adviser.

So, without the legal guidance of an attorney from Caplan & Ernst was the district's best interest protected?  How many laws were broken and rules violated at this meeting?

The bigger question is why was an attorney from Caplan & Ernst missing?  Did the board, via Brad Miller, tell the district's attorneys that their services were not needed.  Does the board even have the power  or right to do this. It causes an alarm bell to ring for me. I would like an explanation.

Ken Witt didn't need to vote in favor of overturning GP05, which would give him power to direct staff and outright run the district, he's found another way to subvert the citizen's school district.

1 "callous disregard for students" was language Ken Witt (or his script writer) had put into a board resolution regarding SB 191. Board member Lesley Dahlkemper had the wording removed. Witt would not admit who wrote the resolution when pressed by Dahlkemper.

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