Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dear Julie

Julie Williams
Jefferson County Board of Education

Dear Julie,
At the March 13 Board of Education meeting you once again showed a total lack of understanding of education by making a comment about preschool education not having any effect on student achievement.  If you're going to be on a school board, try reading about education:

  • Well-designed preschool education programs produce long-term improvements in school success, including higher achievement test scores, lower rates of grade repetition and special education, and higher educational attainment. Some preschool programs are also associated with reduced delinquency and crime in childhood and adulthood.
  • The strongest evidence suggests that economically disadvantaged children reap long-term benefits from preschool. However, children from all other socioeconomic backgrounds have been found to benefit as well. 1 Keep reading.
 Julie,  try this little piece from the New York Times about how a good kindergarten teacher can have lasting effects on adult outcomes.

1 Preschool Education and Its Lasting Effects: Research and Policy Implications
W. Steven Barnett, National Institute for Early Education Research

This is not a Democracy, This is the Board of Education

In the past two years, innovators have been providing technology to citizens of emerging countries that would help them connect with their governments and give a voice to their ideas and desires. That’s probably a strange concept to some Americans, after all we can send emails to government leaders, attend meetings and testify, fill in their online surveys. All that SHOULD give our ideas and demands weight with our elected leaders.  It’s called democracy.

If any of this sounds familiar, than maybe you just attended one of the Jeffco Board of Education’s community budget meetings, where you submitted your ideas about spending priorities for the budget. You may have gone to board meeting where you voiced your opinion. Maybe you were one of the 13,000 people who submitted a survey telling the board how you wanted your tax dollars spent.

Overwhelmingly, the Board has heard from the public through the survey and through public comment that these are their top ideas and desires for budget priorities:

  • Keep class sizes small (this will mean spending money to hire & retain teachers)
  • Increase employee compensation (Jeffco staff have not had a raise since 2010)
  • Maintain electives (again, the requires teachers and materials)
  • Increase funding for full-day kindergarten (at least $700, 000 for 13 classes is needed) 
To do all this will require some re-balancing of the district’s budget.

-The Board's proposal of giving more than between $7 milion to charter schools was not supported by the community

(NOTE: According to the board meeting notes and the board presentation, three members of the Board are proposing:
Equalizing mill levy override money to match what neighborhood and option schools received. This would required between $6 to $8 million. It would not be given as loans to Charter School, but given outright.)

-The Boards' proposal of increasing funding for gifted and talented students was not supported by the community.

Through a democratic process that represents the opinions of Jeffco parents, students and staff, RIGHT NOW, not last November, a loud message has been sent to the Board of Education about what their constituency wants.

All indications are that the Board of Education is going to ignore democracy, ignore the majorities' voice and do what they damn well please and support their cronies (watch who applies for the next charter school).  History has shown what happens to elected officials who take this course.

Unless its stopped:

- The Board will probably take $700,000 from the budget that could go to neighborhood schools and give it to charter schools.

- The Board may give teachers (but not principals) a raise, but it will then be reduced by the board’s new requirement that employees pay more for their retirement fund(they don’t get Social Security). So, no real increase for teacher salaries.

-An increase in health insurance costs for Jeffco employees has already been approved by the Board, and Jeffco employees will receive no salary increase, or other means of offsetting this increase. It looks like Jeffco salaries may actually go backwards.

Tell the Board of Education that this is America not a third-world country and that democracy is alive. Keep making your voice heard.

The $7 million the board has earmarked for charter schools should go into free full-day kindergarten, or to retain and hire teachers and keep small classes and electives.

You can see summaries from each of the Budget Meetings at the bottom of this page:

You can see summaries of the survey here:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Missing - the District's Best Interest

The March 6th Board of Education meeting was another spectacle of "callous disregard for students1" by board members Ken Witt, John Newkirk and Julie Williams.

While all the attention was focused on their egotistical posturing, people may have missed that an important person was missing from the room. The school district's legal counsel, from Caplan & Ernest was not at the table. Caplan & Ernst has a contract to protect the legal interest of the school district.

Brad Miller, the board's attorney who was hired in a back-room deal, was there using the public address system to inform the audience of the board's whereabouts! They were 20 minutes late to their own meeting, but the district had no legal adviser.

So, without the legal guidance of an attorney from Caplan & Ernst was the district's best interest protected?  How many laws were broken and rules violated at this meeting?

The bigger question is why was an attorney from Caplan & Ernst missing?  Did the board, via Brad Miller, tell the district's attorneys that their services were not needed.  Does the board even have the power  or right to do this. It causes an alarm bell to ring for me. I would like an explanation.

Ken Witt didn't need to vote in favor of overturning GP05, which would give him power to direct staff and outright run the district, he's found another way to subvert the citizen's school district.

1 "callous disregard for students" was language Ken Witt (or his script writer) had put into a board resolution regarding SB 191. Board member Lesley Dahlkemper had the wording removed. Witt would not admit who wrote the resolution when pressed by Dahlkemper.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bankrupting Neighborhood Schools

Having educational choice is a good thing. Not all children learn alike, and parents should have the option of selecting a school that best meets the needs of their child. Charter schools help to give parents that choice. However, charter schools should not be opened and run at the financial detriment of existing neighborhood schools, but that is what three members of the Jeffco school board are purposing.

At the Jefferson County Board of Education meeting on Thursday, Feb. 27, the board reviewed the budget that 3 members are proposing for next school year.  In that budget,  is an item called "Charter School Equalization." Charter School Equalization would take money from non-charter schools (YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL) and put it into charter schools.

The line in budget says:

Total redirection of funding to charters
$7.4 million

This is not what Jefferson County voters approved when they voted on 3A/3B.  Parents should be up in arms over this proposal. Attend a community budget meeting and tell the board you want the money promised to neighborhood schools, to go to neighborhood schools.

You can see the budget presentation from the board meeting at:$file/Budget%20Training%20Presentation%20Condensed%20for%20022714.pdf

If you want to open a really bad charter school come to Jeffco, Ken and Brad will fix you right up.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Jeffco Superintendent Candidate

Is Dr. Terrence Moore a candidate for Jeffco's superintendent position? Moore was the principal of Ridgeview Classical Schools, a K-12 charter school in Fort Collins, Colorado before leaving to become a charter school advocate and college professor.  He is currently making education headlines for his anti-Common Core book The Story-Killers: A Common Sense Case Against the Common Core. 

Former Jeffco board member Laura Boggs has mentioned his name several times. They shared a microphone on Grassroots Radio.  The broadcast was billed as a Common Core . . .  Moore vs. Boggs event, but asking Laura Boggs to defend Common Core is laughable.

Sheila Atwell head of Jeffco Students First, the financier-manager for Witt, Newkirk and William's board campaigns is a graduate/member of the Leadership Program of the Rockies, and reportedly a Moore supporter.  The conservative Dr. Moore, was in Colorado last week to speak to the Leadership Program of the Rockies Annual Retreat. Convenient.

Another supporter of Dr. Terrence Moore is the Jeffco School board's secretly hired attorney, Brad Miller (also a graduate of the Leadership Program of the Rockies). Miller's other job, when he is not siphoning money from public school districts, is to run Charter School Solutions, a company that helps Charter Schools siphon money from public school districts. Go to Charter School Solutions blog to read pages of praise for Moore and his former school Ridgeview Classical Academy.

You can learn more about Moore here:

Please prove me wrong about this.

Don't forget to read other articles in this blog, using the links on the right. Read about the soon to be implemented budget plan to decrease funding for neighborhood schools in favor of charter schools.